Tag Archives: sin

I’m not Gay – but I might as well be!


This post has nothing to do with parenting.  (Unless maybe you’re a parent with gay children.)

I typically refrain from discussing or debating religion or politics beyond how my faith effects my life.  I am deeply routed in my beliefs and I feel that my faith, when practiced as intended, can change people for good.  I don’t feel the need to push it on other people or think that everyone must believe what I believe.  I’ll tell you if you want to hear, but in the end, we’ll all find out one way or the other when we die.

All that being said, there is something that’s been on my mind and heart for a while and it has only intensified with the decision for Pennsylvania to legalize gay marriage.

I don’t have many gay friends and I have even fewer who claim to be gay and Christian.  Two in particular have challenged my faith and my opinions on being gay.  One has been openly homosexual for as long as I’ve known him.  He’s also been openly Christian.  He directs the choir at my church and seems more sincere than some of the straight people sitting in the pews.  I never question that he deeply believes the message of Christ as Savior.

Recently I watched a friend who has been raised in a highly religious family his whole life, who married and had two beautiful daughters, and who was active enough in his church that he released praise music on his own worship CD – declare that he is gay. It didn’t surprise me one bit.  Many of us close to him had wondered that very thing for as long as we’ve known him.  It had to be the hardest decision of his life to throw that all away and tell the truth.  Where his faith stands now, I’m not sure.  But I certainly hope he didn’t give up on it.

What is my opinion on homosexuality?

I don’t believe that when God created Eve for Adam and instituted the covenant of marriage he ever intended that union to become homosexual.

But then God didn’t intend for our world to be the way it is now.  Period.

Adam and Eve made the decision to defy God’s plan and instruction and that same mentality has followed for generations.  He created us as creatures with free will, wanting us to choose to love and obey Him.  He hasn’t forced us to do anything.  We didn’t want Him, so he stepped back and said, okay.  Have it your way.

We’ve been dealing with the consequences ever since.

I don’t have any answers for why homosexuality exists.  I just know that it does.  And I also know that it is not my place to pass judgment or declare that these people are going to hell.  Their relationship with God is theirs and theirs alone.  The only commandment I have is to love.  And that’s what I do.  I will not condemn gay people.  I will support their rights as human beings.

Truly, though, my opinions on the matter aren’t the important part.

This is:

What if it doesn’t matter?

What if THE only thing that matters is our acceptance of Christ?

What if it doesn’t matter how we live our life or how many good things we do in His name or how many people we lead to Christ?

Christ told that thief on the cross that because he believed in Him, he would be with Christ that day in paradise.  Up until that point that thief had lived a life of crime and evil.  He did NOTHING to deserve it.  He spent his entire life sinning.  Yet Christ promised to take him to Heaven.

My mind has been blown by this concept recently as I’ve been opened up to it’s implications in a way I never understood before.

Mercy Me has a new song out called Wishful Thinking and it has certainly got me thinking.  Here are a few of the lyrics:

Lord, is it possible to get this far
And just now understand who You are
I’m feeling foolish, yet relieved as well
‘Cause what I bought before I just can’t sell
But now my eyes are open wide
If this is wrong I don’t wanna be right

 Could it be that on my worst day
How You love me simply will not change
What if it’s really not about what I do but what You did
Or what if
This ain’t wishful thinking it’s just how it is

(Read more: Mercy Me – Wishful Thinking Lyrics | MetroLyrics )

To put it simply – what if it doesn’t matter whether we’re straight or gay, healer or murderer, do-gooder or couch-sitter?

What if the ONLY thing that matters is that Christ loves us because he wants to no matter what?

What if the ONLY thing that matters in our quest for Heaven is that we declare our acceptance of Christ?

What if all of us “Christians” who have worked our whole lives to be good and seek Him and live our lives for Him get to Heaven and find ourselves sharing space with gay people, murderers, thieves, abusers, drunks . . . . .(you name it)?

What if all our religious rules and opinions and doctrine mean absolutely nothing?

What if God doesn’t care that you’ve lived your whole life gay – as long as you profess Christ as Savior, He’ll take you into Heaven?


Here’s what I’ve concluded – I don’t have all the answers and I never will.  What I do know is that God doesn’t rank sin.  Some people may look at gays and say “They can’t go to Heaven, they haven’t repented of their sins.”  I say, let those without sin throw the first stone.

I may not be gay but I deal with other things – impure thoughts, coveting the immaterial, selfishness, rudeness, unforgiveness. . . . I could keep going.

In the end sin is sin.  And if Christ says I get to Heaven in spite of all that then why can’t gay people get to Heaven in spite of their homosexuality?



If you claim to be a Christian and claim to have accepted Christ into your life then start acting like He did – befriend the sinners, love your neighbors, and change the only thing you can – yourself!